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 今夏のサウサリート市での姉妹都市提携35周年の祝賀行事に続き、今秋、坂出市での記念行事に出席するため、メリッサ ブラウスタインサウサリート市長、ハリー チャプマンサウサリート姉妹都市協会会長をはじめとする訪問団総勢6名が坂出を訪問しました。一団は市役所での表敬訪問や市議会議場における特別会議などの記念行事に参加しました。特に35周年記念式では、両市で姉妹都市交流に長年尽力された方々を顕彰するだけでなく、交流を継続する重要性を再認識することができました。この他、坂出第一高校で日本文化に触れながら市民との交流を図ったり、秋祭りを視察したりして坂出市への理解を深めてもらう機会となりました。


The Sausalito Delegation's visit to Sakaide in commemoration of our Sister City 35th Anniversary
October 12 - 16, 2023

Following the 35th anniversary events held in Sausalito this summer, 6 Sausalito delegates, including Mayor Melissa Blaustein and the President of Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. Harry Chapman, visited Sakaide this fall to continue the commemorative celebration. The group paid a courtesy call to city hall and attended a special meeting at the city council chamber along with other commemorative events. At the 35th anniversary celebration, we were all especially able to reconfirm the significance of continuing our sister city relationship, as well as to recognize those who have dedicated their time and efforts for the development of our relationship over many years. In addition, the delegation interacted with citizens and were immersed in Japanese cultural activities by visiting Sakaide Daiichi High School and attending a fall festival. These turned out to be good opportunities to help them deepen their understanding of Sakaide.




The 17th Short-Term Student Exchange Program to Sausalito
July 27 - August 7, 2023

Although the face-to-face Sister City exchange had been suspended since 2020, due to the effects of COVID-19, in 2023 we were able to resume the program for the first time in four years. We sent eight high school students and one junior high school student to Sausalito. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Sister City agreement between Sausalito and Sakaide, and the exchange students were able to participate in the anniversary celebration, together with the official delegation. With the influence of the pandemic still ongoing, this year’s program was more focused on outdoor activities. The students traveled from Sausalito to San Francisco by ferry, learned about the history of Japanese immigration at the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, enjoyed iconic tourist attractions, and visited the San Francisco Zoo. Around Sausalito, they learned to enjoy the scenery and nature that people in the Bay Area love, through activities such as sea kayaking, hiking on the highest mountain in the area, and visiting a recreation area with a breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Through their home-stays, the students built friendships that will last a lifetime, and all of them returned home safe, filled with gratitude to their host families and everyone who was involved with the program. 


 今夏,第17回サウサリート市派遣短期留学生とともに,有福市長をはじめとする4名の公式訪問団がサウサリート市を訪問しました。サウサリート市役所での表敬訪問では,元市長であるジョアン カックス市議の他,レオン ハンティング元市長,サンドラ ブッシュメーカー元市長,ロン アルバート元市長,マイク ケリー元市長,レイ ウィジー元市長といった歴代市長が並ぶ議事堂で出迎えを受けました。

city hall

The Sakaide Official Delegation's visit to Sausalito in commemoration of our Sister City 35th Anniversary, July 27 - July 31, 2023

This summer, 4 official delegates from Sakaide, including Mayor Arifuku, visited Sausalito to commemorate this anniversary year. They attended an official welcome ceremony at the city hall, where former mayor and city council member Joan Cox, together with 5 other former mayors (Leon Hunnting, Sandra Bushmaker, Ron Albert, Mike Kelly and Ray Withy) lined up in the chamber room to welcome the delegation.
A 35th anniversary party was also held, attended by Mayor Blaustein, the 17th student exchange delegates, their host families, and others involved with the program. Supporters of the program prior to the pandemic were also in attendance. Everyone recognized the significance and effectiveness of our Sister City relationship, and the bond between the two cities was renewed.

姉妹都市サウサリート市に贈ろう!フォトコンテスト 結果






  Instagram qr

最優秀賞 「かけはし」 宮武 直樹さん




優秀賞「ライトアップされた瀬戸大橋と一本榎」  みるくまん さん

lightup seto ohashi bridge and tree


優秀賞「瀬戸大橋が見える場所」  ざき さん

seto ohashi ga mieru basho


インスタ特別賞「小さな芸術家」  ゆずか さん

chiisana geijutsuka


坂出市国際交流協会特別賞「blue & white」  potagrapher さん

blue & white

撮影場所:与島 鍋島灯台




300 sausalito3 sausalito3


 小学生向け,中高生向け,一般の坂出市民・協会会員向け の3レベルで実施しましたが,小学生46名,中高生25名,一般・会員で17名の応募があり,合格者は合計で67名でした。応募用紙に記載のとおり,合格者には合格証書を,各レベルで上位10名の成績を収められた方には,関連グッズをお送りします。たくさんのご応募ありがとうございました。

解答:小学生向け [PDFファイル/534KB]

解答:中高生向け [PDFファイル/537KB]

解答:一般・協会会員向け [PDFファイル/572KB]




 有福市長とサウサリート市のジャネール ケルマン市長が,オンラインで,姉妹都市プログラムの意義や市政等について会談しました。会談には,両市長のほか,坂出市より,斉藤 義明 坂出市議会議長,坂出市国際交流協会 松本 恭直 都市間交流委員長,サウサリート市より,サウサリート姉妹都市協会ハリー チャプマン会長,同協会坂出運営協議会ハリソン チャプマン委員長,過去の留学生などが出席しました。

shicyokaidan3 shicyokaidan shicyokaidan2     



2021-1  2021-2


 新型コロナウイルス感染症というパンデミックにより,1988年から続くサウサリート市との姉妹都市交流が初めて中断されました。直接顔を合わすことができないなかでも,これまでの友好関係を継続・発展すべく,コロナ禍でも可能なデジタル交流を行いました。デジタル技術を使って互いに動画を作り,YouTubeに公開しました。サウサリート姉妹都市協会が制作した動画には「もしサウサリートに短期留学生が派遣されていたら訪問したかもしれない」というテーマで撮影されたサウサリート周辺の見どころや風景が含まれ,コロナ禍での新しい習慣を紹介したものもありました。坂出は,新しい生活様式を取り入れた学校生活や季節の行事,坂出の見どころなどを紹介しました。この動画はSausalito Sister CitiesのYouTubeで公開されています。




 姉妹都市交流の次の30年に向け新たなページをめくった今年は,高校生11名に加え,サウサリート姉妹都市協会プログラムアンバサダーのモニカ フィネガンさん,坂出運営協議会ハリソン チャプマン共同委員長ら合わせて3名が坂出を訪問しました。留学生達は瀬戸大橋見学や府中湖でのカヌーなど坂出らしいプログラムを楽しむとともに,浴衣を着て茶道を楽しんだり,県立ミュージアムで十二単や甲冑を着せてもらったりと,文字通り日本文化を肌で感じる機会を楽しみました。また,瀬戸内国際芸術祭が開催されている小豆島を訪れ,実際に触れられる芸術作品を堪能しながら,瀬戸内の島の景色や自然を満喫していました。


The 16th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito 
July 27 - August 7, 2019

After turning a new leaf for the next 30 years of our sister city relationship, 11 high school students and 3 adult delegates, including the Program Ambassador Monica Finnegan of the Sausalito Sister Cities Inc., the Co-chair of the Sakaide Operations Council Harrison Chapman visited Sakaide this year. The student delegates enjoyed Japanese tea ceremony in Yukata summer kimonos, and tried on the twelve layered ceremonial kimono from the Heian Period, and Samurai armor and helmets at the Kagawa Museum. These were literally opportunities where they could get an authentic feel of Japanese culture, while they experienced some programs which are very representative of Sakaide, such as visiting the Seto Ohashi Bridge and canoeing on Lake Fuchu. They also visited Shodoshima Island where the international art festival, Setouchi Triennale was being held, and fully enjoyed the artworks which they could really touch, and were amazed at the views of the islands in the Seto Inaland Sea and all of its nature.
Despite the searing summer heat in Japan, the student delegates ended the program without any accidents thanks to the dedicated care given by the host families. They also had once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and brought back many new friendships.



16th1 sausalito

The 16th Short-Term Student Exchange Program to Sausalito
July 26 - August 8, 2018

Twelve high school students and one junior high school student from our city visited our sister city Sausalito in 2018. Since this year marks the 30th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Sausalito and Sakaide, they joined the anniversary party and commemorative events with the official delegation from Sakaide, and were blessed with the opportunity to learn about the history of our sister city relationship over the past 30 years. The student delegates worked hard on English and dance lessons, enjoyed visiting the Japanese Consulate, the local police station, the fire station, museums and other institutions and had a wonderful experience. On the sea and in the mountains around Sausalito, they tried kayaking and mountain hiking, and fully enjoyed the Western America. Above all, they made strong ties through their homestays, which is the highlight of this sister city program, and they made many friends through this program. The group returned home safely, thankful to their host families and those who supported them, with implacable memories in their hearts.


 今年4月に坂出で執り行った,サウサリート市との姉妹都市提携30周年祝賀行事に続き,今夏は坂出から綾市長をはじめとする公式訪問団がサウサリート市を訪問しました。サウサリート市役所での表敬訪問では, カックス市長からサウサリート姉妹都市協会関係者の功労が顕彰され,坂出市としても,市議会議員や市関係者と,姉妹都市交流のさらなる発展を誓い合いました。また,30周年祝賀会も開催され,カックス市長や第16回サウサリート市派遣短期留学生とそのホストファミリー,歴代の留学生や長く姉妹都市プログラムを支えている方々が幅広く集まり,両市の絆をさらに深めることができました。

30th sausalito

30th-sausalito 2

The Sakaide Official Delegation's visit to Sausalito in commemoration of our Sister City 30th Anniversary
July 26 - 31, 2018

Following the sister city 30th anniversary events held in Sakaide, this summer the official delegation from Sakaide, including Mayor Aya, visited Sausalito to commemorate the anniversary year. They attended the official welcome ceremony at the city hall, where Mayor Cox recognized the members of the Sausalito Sister Cities Inc., who devoted themselves with distinguished service to the program. The official delegation from Sakaide also pledged the further development of the sister city relationship with the city council members and supporters of the sister city program. The 30th anniversary party was also held with Mayor Cox, the 16th student exchange delegates, their host families, past delegates, and those who have supported this program for long time all in attendance, and they further deepened the bond between the both cities.


 サウサリート市との姉妹都市提携30周年という節目を記念して,サウサリート市よりジョアン カックス市長,スーザン ローサウサリート姉妹都市協会会長,ダロー ニーメロー坂出運営協議会委員長をはじめとする13名の訪問団が坂出を訪れました。祝賀行事として記念式や祝賀会を盛大に開催し,県知事をはじめとする来賓の方々や,姉妹都市交流に協力していただいている多数の方々と交流を楽しみました。また,市議会での特別会議では,カックス市長が「私たちは,世界平和のためには壁をたてるのではなく,橋を架けるという手本を世界の指導者に示している」と述べ,姉妹都市交流の重要性を強調しました。その他,桜の木の記念植樹等祝賀行事をする中で,今後の友好関係の継続と発展を確認しあいました。

30th 2


The Sausalito Delagation's visit to Sakaide in commemoration of our Sister City 30th Anniversary
April 6 - 10, 2018

To commemorate the 30th anniversary milestone of the sister city partnership between Sausalito and Sakaide, 13 delegates from Sausalito, including the mayor of Sausalito Joan Cox, the president Susan Roe of Sausalito Sister Cities Inc., and the chairperson of the Sakaide Operations Council Daryl Niemerow, visited Sakaide. We had successful commemoration ceremony and celebration with the attendance of the Kagawa Prefectural Governor, and other distinguished guests, including those who have given generous support for our sister city relationship. All who gathered greatly enjoyed the interaction. In the special meeting at the Sakaide City Council, Mayor Cox stated “we set an example for our world leaders by building bridges, not walls to foster world peace.” and emphasized the importance of the sister city relationship. Over the course of the celebration events, such as the commemorative cherry tree planting, we reconfirmed our mutual intention to continue and further develop our sister city partnership.


 姉妹都市提携29年目となる平成29年夏,14名の高校生と,ジョアン カックス副市長の他,サウサリート姉妹都市協会から引率者等3名が坂出を訪問しました。今年のプログラムでは,生け花や茶道などおなじみとなったプログラムの他に,篆刻印を作ったり,王越湾でシーカヌーをしたり,香川の特産品である和三盆作りを体験したり,浴衣の着付けにも挑戦したりと新しい活動も体験してもらいました。


The 15th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito 
July 29 - August 9, 2017 

In the summer of 2017, which is the 29th anniversary of the Sister-City Exchange, the Sausalito student delegation, consisting of 14 high school students, visited Sakaide with the Sausalito Vice Mayor Joan Cox and three adults from the Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. They enjoyed popular activities such as Ikebana (flower arranging) and Sado (the tea ceremony), as well as new activities such as making a Tenkoku seal, canoeing in Ogoshi bay, making Kagawa’s specialty sugar sweets, Wasanbon, and wearing Yukata summer kimonos.
The delegates showed their interest in traditional Japanese culture and life styles, and they also enjoyed the interaction with host families and new friends. Vice Mayor Joan Cox, who visited Sakaide for the first time made a very impressive comment: “The process of the local bonds being stronger through the Taikodai looks similar to the process of Sakaide-Sausalito’s relationship growing stronger.”



sakaide delegates

The 15th Short-Term Student Exchange Program to Sausalito
July 28 - August 10, 2016

In 2016, 9 high school students and 3 junior high school students visited our sister city, Sausalito. It was the first time that the number of boys exceeded the number of girls in the delegation. First they visited the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, then they walked on the Golden Gate Bridge and hiked up the famous Mount Tamalpais. They also took a tour of local famous houseboats, learned how to dance, and visited museums. They became part of a new family while homestaying with locals. They made new lifetime friends and came home smiling brightly with wonderful new experiences and knowledge.


 平成27年は,短期留学生の高校生13名が,引率者2名やトム セオドアサウサリート市長,EVギルブレス姉妹都市協会共同委員長とともに坂出を訪問しました。留学生達は,大橋まつり総踊りやカヌー体験,坂出商業での弓道体験,スポーツチャンバラ等の活動的なプログラムを楽しむ一方,日本語の挨拶を学んだり,茶道,華道に折り紙など,伝統的な日本文化も体験しました。


The 14th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 31 - August 11, 2015

In 2015, the Sausalito student delegation of 13high school students visited Sakaide with two chaperones, the Sausalito Mayor Tom Theodores, and the Co-chair EV Gilbreath of the Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. They enjoyed activities such as the Ohashi Festival dance parade, Japanese archery in Sakaide Commercial High School and canoeing. They also learned how to greet people in Japanese as well as traditional cultural pastimes such as the tea ceremony, flower arranging, and origami.
In order to encourage the Sakaide citizens to engage with the Sausalito delegation, we accepted applications from the citizens to participate in many activities such as the Peace Study Tour in Hiroshima, the Welcome BBQ, Story Time and Origami at the library, and the Goshikidai Day Camp. Both the delegation and the Sakaide citizens were able to learn about each other's culture and as a result the awareness of Sausalito was raised among the Sakaide citizens, broadening their joint circle of friendship.   




The 14th Short-Term Student Exchange Program to Sausalito
July 24 - August 6, 2014

We celebrated the Quarter Anniversary of the Sister-City Exchange in 2013 and we turned over a new leaf in 2014 for the second quarter. The Sakaide delegation of 10 high school students and one junior high school student visited Sausalito with two chaperones and experienced American life through home-staying. They also enjoyed the program which the Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. prepared for them.
After the warm welcome from the Mayor, city council members, and those who are associated at the Sausalito City Hall, the delegates enjoyed the many activities such as sea kayaking, a picnic, bowling, and cycling. During these activities, they were able to communicate and bond with past exchange students to Sakaide and other host families through the welcome party, potluck dinner, and farewell party. They also visited a number of museums that featured the many cultures and histories of the diverse people that make up America today. They were able to broaden their horizon through these valuable experiences, bringing back lots of cherished memories with them to Japan.


 サウサリート市との姉妹都市提携25周年を記念して,市民親善訪問団総勢17名がサウサリート市を訪問しました。サウサリート市から祝賀行事への招待を受けた綾市長,大前市議会議長ら公式訪問団とともに出発した一団は,ハーブ ワイナー市長や姉妹都市協会関係者から温かい歓迎を受けました。初日の閑静な豪邸での貸切パーティーに続き,二日目は過去の短期留学生も参加した,和やかな雰囲気のバーベキューパーティーを楽しみ交流を深めました。


The Sakaide Citizens' Group visit to Sausalito in commemoration of our Sister City 25th Anniversary
August 16 - 22, 2013

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Sister City affiliation between Sakaide and Sausalito, a group of 17 Sakaide citizens visited Sausalito. They departed with the officially invited Sakaide delegation, mainly consisting of Mayor Aya and City Council Chairperson Omae and received warm welcome by Mayor Herb Weiner and members of Sausalito Sister Cities Inc. Following the exclusive party at a peaceful mansion on the first day, they enjoyed the barbeque party the next day in which alumni students of this sister city program participated. They deepened communication in a friendly atmosphere. 


 坂出市・サウサリート市姉妹都市提携25周年記念式等に出席するため,ハーブ ワイナー サウサリート市長,リンダ ファイファー市議,スーザン ロー姉妹都市協会会長をはじめとする使節団総勢8名が,短期留学生と一緒に坂出を訪問しました。記念式では姉妹都市のさらなる発展を誓いあう宣言書を交換し,その他桜の記念植樹,市議会議場における特別会議,県知事表敬訪問などの記念行事にも参加しました。




The Sausalito Delagation's visit to Sakaide in commemoration of our Sister City 25th Anniversary
July 27 - August 7, 2013

This consisted of eight honored guests including Sausalito Mayor Herb Weiner, Councilmember Linda Pfeifer, President Susan Roe of Sausalito Sister Cities Inc., and the Sausalito delegation visited Sakaide with the Sausalito exchange students to attend the sister-city 25th anniversary ceremony. Both mayors pledged to further development of sister city relationship in the ceremony and the delegation, moreover, participated in festive events such as a memorial tree planting, a special meeting of city council held at the chamber, a courtesy visit to the Prefectural Governor and so on.
This year we planned an exchange barbeque party, a natural dye class, a one-day trip to Izumo Taisha praying for a good relationship, and a discovering Japanese culture rally, aiming at new Sakaide citizens’ involvement and communication with the exchange students. The delegation ended up expanding the chain of friendship with many citizens of Sakaide.They were enthusiastic about joining a variety of program activities together with the exchange students; they enjoyed communication with Sakaide citizens and returned to America.




The 13th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 27 - August 7, 2013

The Sausalito student delegation of seven high school students and three chaperones visited Sakaide with the Sausalito delegation in the summer of 2013. While attending the sister-city 25th anniversary ceremony, the courtesy visit to the Mayor of Sakaide, and the courtesy visit to the Prefectural Governor with the Sausalito delegation, they experienced Japanese culture such as flower arranging and a tea ceremony, and enthusiastically attempted to sit in seiza style which they were not accustomed to. 
They also experienced a local high school visit, Sports Chanbara, ladder truck ride, the Seto Ohashi Bridge sky tour, and the Ohashi Festival, and fully enjoyed Sakaide.





The 13th Short-Term Student Exchange Program to Sausalito
July 26 - August 8, 2012

This summer the students of the 13th Short-Term Sister City Exchange Program visited Sausalito. The Sakaide delegation of 10 high school students, 3 junior high school students, and 2 chaperones received a warm welcome from President Susan Roe of the Sausalito Sister City Program, program members, and homestay families. This year they set daily program themes according to the letters of the alphabet, ABC (A=Art, B=Balance, C=Culture).Our students studied English and took dance classes, just as in previous years, in addition to enjoying the chance to talk about environmental problems with local students. They enjoyed fun-filled activities, such as hiking, visiting museums, and watching Major League Baseball. During the stay, the delegation was blessed with many opportunities to mingle with local students, mainly students who visited Sakaide last year. The Sakaide students also spent a very enjoyable time with their homestay families.




The 12th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 30 - August 10, 2011

This summer we welcomed the Sausalito delegation which consisted of seven students, two chaperones and six distinguished guests including Mayor Herb Weiner, Vice Mayor Mike Kelly and his wife.
They experienced Japanese culture by participating in various activities such as flower arrangement, a tea ceremony and being fitted into traditional Kimonos complete with wig. They also spent a morning making Japanese crafts as an exchange program with local elementary school kids, which we planned for the first time and visited Sakaide High School as a same generation exchange program. Moreover, they enjoyed art works in Naoshima Island, participated in Sakaide Ohashi Festival, and experienced Udon-noodle making. Exchange students stayed at local host families' houses and had such happy, enjoyable experiences living with their host families, that they had a very difficult time saying goodbye when it was time to leave Sakaide.
All the members of the delegation were very enthusiastic about learning Japanese culture and we ended the whole program under a very good atmosphere. We believe that they have brought lots of good memories back to Sausalito.




The 12th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sakaide
July 22 - August 4, 2010

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the short-term summer project, and 13 students from Sakaide were sent to Sausalito. The delegation consisting of six high school students, seven junior high school students, and two chaperones were warmly welcomed by Susan Roe, the president of the Sausalito Sister City Committee, its several members, and the host families. Our students enjoyed many program activities, such as the English class, the dance class, the visit to the Snoopy Museum, the full-moon hike and the campfire. Watching the MLB game at AT&T Park was fun too. The students also visited Colma Japanese cemetery in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Kanrin Maru's visit to the United States. The Japanese participants had weonderful exchange activities with local students in Sausalito and had precious memories of their stay in Sausalito.


 平成21年はサウサリート市より短期留学生9名と引率者2名,ハーブ・ワイナーサウサリート市副市長そしてスーザン・ロー 姉妹都市委員長と夫のトム・クラークさんら5名の関係者を含む総勢16名が坂出を訪れました。今年は,恒例の文化研修や警察署での柔道体験に加え,坂出商業高校での地元高校生との交流,(株)川崎造船工場見学,瀬戸内海クルージング,櫃石島での海水浴など,充実したプログラムとなりました。留学生はいろいろな行事を通して坂出で友達をたくさん作り,またホストファミリーの方々と本当の家族のように過ごすことができました。





The 11th  Short-term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 25 - August 5, 2009

This year 16 participants on a short-term exchange program from Sausalito visited Sakaide. The members included nine students, two chaperones, Vice Mayor Herb Weiner and the Sister City Committee Chairperson, Susan Roe, and fve other related members including Susan Roe's husband, Tom Clark. This year's program was full of events such as the regular cultural study and judo experience at the police station, cultural exchange with the local students from Sakaide Commercial High School, a tour of the Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corporation factory, cruising on the Seto Inland Sea, and swimming in the sea around Hitsuishijima Island. While enjoying these activities the exchange students made many friends and spent time with host families as though they were their actual family.
In recent years, the number of students interested in Japanese language and culture has increased, and this year a representative from the Sausalito exchange students gave a speech in Japanese, impressing the participants.







The 11th  Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sakaide
July 24 - August 6, 2008

This spring the 20th anniversary projects of the sister city program were carried out successfully and with a more friendly atmosphere than ever between the two cities, and during summer vacation the 11th delegation of Short-term Exchange Students from Sakaide were sent to Sausalito.
The group of 12 high school students, 3 junior high school students and 2 chaperones was warmly welcomed by Susan Roe, the president of the Sausalito Sister City Committee, and by their nice host families so that they could make magical memories through experiencing a home stay.
They enjoyed a full range of activities, such as English class, pottery class, dance lessons, a boat cruise, and a Major League Baseball tour.
This year's group was especially honored to visit the office of Mr. Nagamine, the Japanese Consulate General in San Francisco. Mr. & Mrs. Nagamine generously greeted them with a kind message at the Farewell Party in Sausalito, as well. The group had wonderful exchanges with the local people of Sausalito during this visit.

平成20年5月8日~14日 姉妹都市提携20周年記念市民ツアー







20th Anniversary of Sister City Relations, Memorial Citizens' Tour, May 8 to 14, 2008
Memorial Celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of Sister City Relations with Sausalito, May 9th, 2008

In celebration of the 20th year of sister city relations between Sausalito and Sakaide, a group of 24 citizens from Sakaide visited for a tour of San Francisco and the Canadian Rocky Mountains. These citizens were also invited to a memorial ceremony in Sausalito, at which a delegation of the Mayor and Council Chairperson were also in attendance.
The group visiting on May 9th was led to the city hall in a motorcade headed up by a police car. After a warm welcome, the groups planted a cherry tree together, took part in a cruise, and enjoyed shopping downtown. The evening's banquet dinner was attended by 150 members from the city; the Japanese Consulate General, Mr. Nagamine, along with his wife, paid a visit from the San Francisco Consulate General, and said some very kind words in support of the strong sister city relationship and international exchange.
We are very thankful for the participation of everyone who has made it possible to foster exchange and understanding between our two towns for the past twenty years, and who made the 20th anniversary memorial events a splendid success.

平成20年4月10日~16日  姉妹都市提携20周年記念サウサリート市使節団来坂












20th Anniversary of Sister City Relations, Memorial Sakaide Visit by Sausalito Delegation
April 10 - 16, 2008

This year marks the 20th year of sister city relations between Sausalito and Sakaide. In commemoration of this event, a delegation made up of seven people, including Vice Mayor Paul Albritton and Sister City Committee President Susan Roe, paid a visit to Sakaide.
On April 11th the City Council held a special session, for which Vice Mayor Albritton was present to give a speech. Afterwards, officials from both cities planted a willow in the garden at City Hall. A celebratory banquet was held that evening.
The Sausalito delegation participated in the "Seto Ohashi Bridge Walk", an event celebrating the 20th year the bridge has been in operation. Once again taking in the splendor of the bridge while walking alongside citizens of the city, a member of the delegation remarked that "we felt part of the global community of mankind in our walk across the Seto Ohashi bridge".








The 10th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 28 - August 8, 2007

This year’s delegation from Sausalito included 13 exchange students, 2 leaders, and 8 others including the president of the Sister City Committee Susan Roe, her husband Tom Clark, and Herb Weiner, a member of Sausalito’s city council assembly.
This year’s program was varied and rich; in addition to the popular “Japanese cultural course”, the group was able to interact with Toubu Junior High School students, observe the Lion Chemical factory, learn judo from Sakaide police officers, cruise the Seto Inland Sea on the Kanrin-maru, and otherwise make valuable use of their two weeks in Sakaide.
This year marked Ms. Roe’s first visit to Sakaide, of which she said “I fell in love with Sakaide. The people of Sakaide made us feel so warm and welcome. We left with a feeling of commitment, we left with a feeling of honor.”
The exchange students spent valuable time with their host families and went home with many happy memories.





The 10th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sakaide
July 24 - August 6, 2006

This year, which marks the 10th anniversary of the project, 10 high school students and 3 junior high school students were sent to Sausalito. They participated in many sorts of activities in English, such as pottery and dance classes, and watched a Major League Baseball game in San Francisco. Above all, students left with fond memories of wonderful times spent with their host families.




The 9th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 30 - August 10, 2005

 This year as usual, three girls and two boys visited Sakaide. The number was comparably less than usual. However, they are all fine young students with a strong interest in Japan. They willingly tried to greet people in Japanese, and through Japanese culture experiences and a high school visit, they mingled with our citizens and spent their time well in Sakaide.




Exhibition of Sausalito children and student paintings

Paintings arrived from Sausalito Bayside School (kindergarten and elementary school). So our citizens may enjoy the colorful works, an exhibition was held at the Kamome Gallery. This exhibition was a reciprocation of the exhibition held last summer where all kinds of calligraphy and paintings were displayed at Sausalito City Hall.




The 9th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sakaide
July 21 - August 3, 2004

This year 10 high school students and 3 junior high school students selected by Sakaide City were sent to Sausalito. They participated in the program organized by the Sausalito Sister City Committee. They visited sites and participated in activities like dance lessons. Students seemed to be very impressed by warm hospitality of their host families.



The commemorative visit of the 15th anniversary of our Sister City affiliation in Sausalito
April 7 - 11, 2004

 Accepting the invitation to the memorial ceremony in Sausalito, the Sakaide Mayor and Chairman and several citizens were warmly welcomed to Sausalito. They paid a courtesy visit to city hall, and they planted a cherry tree during their stay. It was a significant visit which once again recognized the friendship between the people of Sausalito and the people of Sakaide.




The commemorative ceremony of the 15th anniversary of our Sister City affiliation in Sakaide
July 28th, 2003

It has been 15 years since Sakaide and Sausalito signed the sister city agreement in 1988. To celebrate this, a commemorative ceremony was held and a total of seven delegates from Sausalito were welcomed to Sakaide. Since the 1988 agreement, a significant exchange has taken place through the short term students exchange programs, and through people of both cities honoring each other's achievements and furthering friendly relations.



The 8th Short-Term Student Exchange Program from Sausalito
July 25 - August 6, 2003

Nine high school students from Sausalito (four boys and five girls) visited Sakaide. They stayed with host families, joined in the dance parade at the Sakaide Ohashi Festival, participated in many Japanese cultural experiences such as a tea ceremony, a flower arrangement, and Judo, and they made many wonderful memories. 

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