This site is the official website of Sakaide City, a local government in Japan.
We have introduced a site-wide translation service to help foreign residents learn more about Sakaide City.
We will translate the Sakaide City website using the free translation service on the external site.
Please note that the translation will be done mechanically and may not be correct. Please note that Sakaide City cannot be held responsible for any errors that may occur due to the accuracy of the translation.
You can use Google's translation service to translate the Sakaide City website into English, Vietnamese, Chinese, and other languages.
If your computer or smartphone has Google Translation services, you can translate this website into other languages, too. When google transration service is opened, please select other languages from the select box with pull-down menu.
※Be sure to read the terms and conditions of Google's translation service before using it. (For Google Translation<外部リンク>)
※使用の前にGoogleの翻訳サービスに関する諸条件を必ず読んでください。 (Google翻訳について<外部リンク>)